Thursday, November 27, 2008

2 Boiled Eggs 140 cal (just because I was too lazy to scramble them)
1 oz Mozz Cheese 80 cal
8 oz Hormone Free Skim Milk 80 cal
300 cal/ 0 fiber

I did very well I only ate a bit of this and a bit of that I have no idea how many calories but I know that it was no more than 700-800.....and I only had a small (tiny) sliver of pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. When I got home I ate a small amount of stuffing a little wheat dinner roll and about 4 oz of turkey~plus I drank 64 oz. of water today~

All in all I consider this a VERY successful holiday eating day. I am usually VERY VERY out of control and I usually binge and then go home feeling guilty and crappy and have a gut ache.

I am very proud of myself today!

Have a beautiful day everyone!~

~I Hope you had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!~


Dominic said...

Good luck Karla!

Dominic said...

Oh, and Skinny Bitch was great. I highly suggest getting it. It tells you what really happens with sugar substitutes, processed foods, etc.

Dominic said...

I knew we could do it! Woo, Kudos for us!